Taking the Top Off AMPK – A research fellowship funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Union.

My EU-funded project, called TopAMPK, brings together structural mass spectrometry and medical research. Until July 2024, I will be visiting Prof. Ying Ge at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to characterize the AMPK protein complex directly from donor heart tissue. The goal is to link certain forms of the AMPK complex to cardiovascular diseases in order to treat them in the future by precision medicine. My home university through which I am employed is the University of Siegen/CSSB in Hamburg, to which I will return in 2024/25. There I will work in Charlotte Uetrechts Lab and use my acquired skills to implement a more LC based native mass spectrometry approach. Also, I will be working with Bruker Daltonics. While the collaboration with Bruker is an ongoing transfer-of-knowledge through the complete project, the current plan is that in the last 6 month I will regularly visit the Bruker research facilities in Bremen and focus on optimizing instrument parameters and modules for native MS. – Dr. Boris Krichel